What is Bridges of Hope?
Bridges of Hope is a collaborative of New Haven area churches whose mission is to mobilize ministry and to transform the city of New Haven for the glory of God and the common good of its people. We do this via a radical and sustainable partnership of Christ-centered churches, word-and-deed ministries, and private foundations, cooperating with individuals and institutions of all faiths and none for the common good when consistent with Christ’s values. As an organization, Bridges of Hope is also committed to the work of racial reconciliation in and through participating churches and Bridges of Hope ministries.
Our Beliefs
Bridges of Hope is committed to:
The scripture of the Old and New Testament as our only rule of faith and practice unto which nothing should be added or taken away, whether by new revelations of the Spirit or human traditions. (2Tim.3:16, 2Pet.1:19-21, Heb.1:1, Rev.22:19).
The historicity and efficacy of Jesus Christ alone for our salvation as the second person of the holy Trinity sent by God the Father and in the power of the Holy Spirit as reflected in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. (1 Tim.2:5, Col 1:3-8, 2 Cor.11:3).
The gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that human flourishing begins and ends with being united to Christ’s love by faith alone, faith itself being a free gift of God’s grace by the Holy Spirit for those who receive him. (Jn 1:12-13, Eph. 2:1-10).
The local church based ministries acting as the body of Christ on earth in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Eph 1:22-23, Eph.2:19-21).
In subscribing to these faith commitments, the members of Bridges of Hope are not declaring that these faith-commitments are a comprehensive representation of their own personal views or the views of their sending organization, but that in so far they participate in the policies and actions of Bridges of Hope, they are willing to work together within these faith commitments.
The historicity and efficacy of Jesus Christ alone for our salvation as the second person of the holy Trinity sent by God the Father and in the power of the Holy Spirit as reflected in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. (1 Tim.2:5, Col 1:3-8, 2 Cor.11:3).
The gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that human flourishing begins and ends with being united to Christ’s love by faith alone, faith itself being a free gift of God’s grace by the Holy Spirit for those who receive him. (Jn 1:12-13, Eph. 2:1-10).
The local church based ministries acting as the body of Christ on earth in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Eph 1:22-23, Eph.2:19-21).
In subscribing to these faith commitments, the members of Bridges of Hope are not declaring that these faith-commitments are a comprehensive representation of their own personal views or the views of their sending organization, but that in so far they participate in the policies and actions of Bridges of Hope, they are willing to work together within these faith commitments.
Our Values
Bridges of Hope is unapologetically Christ-centered, as we work with people and organizations of all faiths and none for the common good when in harmony with Christian commitments. (Col 1:18b; 1Pet 4:11).
We value a holistic gospel of word and deed wherein reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ (spiritual need) and life empowerment in the life of Christ (outward needs) are rightly joined together as the focus of Christ’s ascension ministry today in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to reconciliation across racial, socio-economic, gender and other barriers (Eph 2:8-10; Jas 2:14-17).
We value cities and the city of New Haven especially. We are optimistic that because of the continued reality of God’s presence and life transforming gospel, cities can also draw out the best of the human soul. We therefore, love both the idea of “city” under God’s grace and love New Haven with an ambition to seek her physical, social and spiritual renewal (Mic 6:9; Jer 9:7; c.f. 1Pet 2:9).
We are strategically committed to empowerment focused versus enablement-focused ministry that honors and values the image of God in every person.
Bridges of Hope values collaboration among churches and recognizes that for the perfecting of the life of the whole body, the churches and Christian ministries of New Haven need the heritage of each of the uniting Churches, each of which will, it is hoped, not lose the continuity of its own life, but preserve that life enriched by the union with itself of the other Churches (adapted from Lesslie Newbigin, The Nature of the Unity That We Seek).
We value a holistic gospel of word and deed wherein reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ (spiritual need) and life empowerment in the life of Christ (outward needs) are rightly joined together as the focus of Christ’s ascension ministry today in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to reconciliation across racial, socio-economic, gender and other barriers (Eph 2:8-10; Jas 2:14-17).
We value cities and the city of New Haven especially. We are optimistic that because of the continued reality of God’s presence and life transforming gospel, cities can also draw out the best of the human soul. We therefore, love both the idea of “city” under God’s grace and love New Haven with an ambition to seek her physical, social and spiritual renewal (Mic 6:9; Jer 9:7; c.f. 1Pet 2:9).
We are strategically committed to empowerment focused versus enablement-focused ministry that honors and values the image of God in every person.
Bridges of Hope values collaboration among churches and recognizes that for the perfecting of the life of the whole body, the churches and Christian ministries of New Haven need the heritage of each of the uniting Churches, each of which will, it is hoped, not lose the continuity of its own life, but preserve that life enriched by the union with itself of the other Churches (adapted from Lesslie Newbigin, The Nature of the Unity That We Seek).
Council Churches